GPC PowerlifTing 

The online store for powerlifting equipment, strength equipment and functional training equipment. Powerlifting and functional training can really help get your body into balance, move for the pure joy of it, look good and feel connected to all that life have to offer.


  “Just remember, somewhere, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max.” 

Jim Conroy, Olympic Weightlifting Coach

OLYMPic BarBells

Great range of Olympic bars to suit all budgets.

Functional Training Equipment

High quality gear, robust and looks great.

OLYMPic Weights & Bumper Plates

Quality weights, Olympic weight sets and bumper plates.


Lifting straps, chalk, belts and much more.


 “Go big or go home”

Martin Clark

“To be number one, you have to train like you’re number two.”

Craig Peppard

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